About the Author

Hello! I’m Jamie. Thanks for joining me here at The Unhurried Chase!

I live in Minnesota, and spend most of my time home with my three children—Liesl, Anders, and Rudy (and our dog Hank). I have an MA in Catholic Studies (theology, philosophy, with some history and literature thrown in), and a BA in History with a Bible minor.

When I have spare time outside of family life and church involvement (we lead small group, and I sometimes teach Bible study) you’ll most often find me reading books, either for research or entertainment—reading in the morning sun is a favorite. But, as a mom (read: someone with no personal space or time for 80% of the day) who is also a INTP and Enneagram Type 5, my brain power and energy are both usually spent by 8pm, at which point you can find me leaving my supper dishes undone and getting some introvert’s quality time watching The Amazing Race, The Great British Baking Show or a movie with my husband.

I’d love to hear from you! If you want to let me know you’re reading or ask any questions, drop me a note using the form below!

If you want to know about the blog, including why I chose the name “The Unhurried Chase,” head over to the About the Blog page.

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