I wish I had some novel thoughts about the novel virus sweeping the globe right now. You’d think that a blog about death and dying would have something to say about a pandemic. But I’ve read too much and have nothing to add to the conversation, or I’m too tired from feeding a newborn every 2–4 hours. Maybe both. My world feels very small right now; I have no big thoughts, and I think that’s okay.
I can say two small things—but they’re not really related to death or dying.
First, I’m grateful that my church was able to livestream a service held in an empty sanctuary today. I haven’t been to church since the week before my littlest was born—so about a month. In fact, I’ve only been out of the house a number of times since then. We had the flu the week before he was born so I’ve basically been social distancing since before it was cool. So it was good to at least see church, and sing with the worship team from where I sat on the couch.
Second, today I spent some time reading Psalm 23. I’m hoping to use these weeks with Michael home as an opportunity to re-boot some better habits of reading and meditation. Psalm 23 seems particularly helpful today. I’ll just post it here without any more comments. Maybe it will be a balm for you today too.