Hello Friends,
As you know by now, Unhurried Chase is a hobby of mine. Unfortunately, I haven’t had much time to dedicate to writing lately (keep reading and you’ll see why), but I do have a few updates to share with you!
First, we welcomed the fifth Carlson (well, sixth, if you count the dog) last week! He’s little and cute, and we all love him.

Secondly, a book review I wrote for The Gospel Coalition was published yesterday. If you didn’t know that Tim Keller was releasing a short book called On Death, watch for it in just a few days (or pre-order it!) and check it out. I reviewed it here (and a hearty Welcome! to those of you visiting as a result!). The book is well done, and I think you’ll enjoy it. One of my favorite things about it is that it’s short enough to read in one sitting (around 120 pages with large text and wide margins), and is something worth sharing with friends and family regardless if they are Christians or not.
On Death, Tim Keller
Finally, and this is not news for most of you, but if you’re just stopping by from TGC (or anywhere else)—I’d love for you to either follow the blog, or watch for updates by following me on Twitter (@UnhurriedChase).
Okay. So there are my updates! Now back to snuggles and catnaps.