• My Story,  Publications

    News and Updates

    Hello Friends,

    As you know by now, Unhurried Chase is a hobby of mine. Unfortunately, I haven’t had much time to dedicate to writing lately (keep reading and you’ll see why), but I do have a few updates to share with you!

    First, we welcomed the fifth Carlson (well, sixth, if you count the dog) last week! He’s little and cute, and we all love him.

    Secondly, a book review I wrote for The Gospel Coalition was published yesterday. If you didn’t know that Tim Keller was releasing a short book called On Death, watch for it in just a few days (or pre-order it!) and check it out. I reviewed it here (and a hearty Welcome! to those of you visiting as a result!). The book is well done, and I think you’ll enjoy it. One of my favorite things about it is that it’s short enough to read in one sitting (around 120 pages with large text and wide margins), and is something worth sharing with friends and family regardless if they are Christians or not.

    On Death, Tim Keller

    Finally, and this is not news for most of you, but if you’re just stopping by from TGC (or anywhere else)—I’d love for you to either follow the blog, or watch for updates by following me on Twitter (@UnhurriedChase).

    Okay. So there are my updates! Now back to snuggles and catnaps.

  • Miscellany,  My Story

    An Early Summer Update

    I’m still here.

    It’s been awhile, and I’m eager to write. 

    Since I last wrote, we’ve taken our first family road trip to Denver. Both of the kids did well, and we will do it again. Days after we returned, we took a semi-unexpected trip to Washington (the state) for my grandmother’s funeral. I’ve also been attending a summer Bible study, and taught Ruth 1 for the group last week. It was a blessing to spend time in Scripture preparing, and to feel like I was using my gifts in a new way. 

    I was able to share some of my story in the lesson, and since it has been the most substantive thing I’ve written lately (or thought about, to be honest), I’ll be sharing it in pieces here on Unhurried Chase. 

    I’ve also been spending time with my husband, finishing the basement of our new house. We’re at the stage where everything crucial is “finished,” and we’re mostly just left with a mess and a lot of annoying things to finish, like breaking down boxes, filling nail holes, staining bookshelves, and touching up paint.

    It’s been lovely to have warm weather—the raspberries are bursting through their fences with green leaves and little nubs of growing berries. My garden is… surviving, mostly. I tried to grow wildflowers in the front, and something sure is growing! Unfortunately I have no idea if they’re weeds or flowers. And the stinging nettles survived the weed killer.

    My daughter is developing a passion for toad farming in her kiddie pool. Her record for toads caught in a day is three. Her best name so far, was Petunia Timber(something) Toadyroad, or Mrs. Toadyroad. We now enforce a strict no-kissing rule after I saw her bid a toad a passionate farewell a few days ago.

    My son is regularly wearing out the seat of his pants (he doesn’t crawl, he scoots), and winding up with grass in his diaper. He is all boy, and has a special joyful sound he save just for balls—even if they’re actually just light fixtures or the big red concrete balls outside of Target.

    So, while I’ve missed blogging, life has been full of things that make me so grateful for the place God has me right now. 

    I hope to be back soon!
